John R. Levine
2009-06-07 00:02:57 UTC
The 757-200 is quite an airplane, seating 200 people with a 3900 mile
range, making it quite the plane of choice for long thin routes. The
closest thing that Boeing has in production is the 737-700 which flies 126
people 3300 miles, or the -700ER which is 5500 miles, but still only 126
people. The A321 has the range, if you pay for it, but it still smaller.
What options do airlines flying 757's have? Wait for the 787?
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range, making it quite the plane of choice for long thin routes. The
closest thing that Boeing has in production is the 737-700 which flies 126
people 3300 miles, or the -700ER which is 5500 miles, but still only 126
people. The A321 has the range, if you pay for it, but it still smaller.
What options do airlines flying 757's have? Wait for the 787?
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