JF Mezei
2009-10-19 06:22:42 UTC
Some study says that Boeing and Airbus who currently hold about 88%
market share in the 100-200 pax market may see their market share drop
by half (to about 40%) because of new entrants such as Bombardier,
Embraer, the japanese, chinese and russians.
I remember a few years ago, the talk was about a new generation of
737/A320 by 2013. This study now puts the new generation in the "2020
decade", with both Airbus and Boeing updating the engines on their
737/320 in the meantime to stay current.
Another argument raised is that Boeing (and probably to a lesser extent
Airbus) had done technology transfers to chinee and japanese which may
come back to bite them as those are now going to use this knowledge to
build competing jets.
I have to wonder however how accurate this study is. When you look at
American Airlines, it seems to be upscaling to the 737 when replacing
its old MD80 fleet instead of going for a Cseries type aircraft. On the
other hand, AA isn't one to buy vapourware aircraft.
While a C-series may be more efficient than a A318 or the 737-600, will
airlines really want to have a different aircraft type just for that
market size ?
Perhaps Boeing and Airbus, seeing how the 110-130 market is behaving,
might decide to optimize the 737/320 for a 150-250 seat market
abandonning the smaller models alltogether. Or they my flex their
muscles and push the new guys out alltogether.
If Boeing/Airbus are really going to wait until after 2020, this may
give a chance for the Bombardier/Embraer/Mitsubishi and others to take
root and permanently take market share.
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Some study says that Boeing and Airbus who currently hold about 88%
market share in the 100-200 pax market may see their market share drop
by half (to about 40%) because of new entrants such as Bombardier,
Embraer, the japanese, chinese and russians.
I remember a few years ago, the talk was about a new generation of
737/A320 by 2013. This study now puts the new generation in the "2020
decade", with both Airbus and Boeing updating the engines on their
737/320 in the meantime to stay current.
Another argument raised is that Boeing (and probably to a lesser extent
Airbus) had done technology transfers to chinee and japanese which may
come back to bite them as those are now going to use this knowledge to
build competing jets.
I have to wonder however how accurate this study is. When you look at
American Airlines, it seems to be upscaling to the 737 when replacing
its old MD80 fleet instead of going for a Cseries type aircraft. On the
other hand, AA isn't one to buy vapourware aircraft.
While a C-series may be more efficient than a A318 or the 737-600, will
airlines really want to have a different aircraft type just for that
market size ?
Perhaps Boeing and Airbus, seeing how the 110-130 market is behaving,
might decide to optimize the 737/320 for a 150-250 seat market
abandonning the smaller models alltogether. Or they my flex their
muscles and push the new guys out alltogether.
If Boeing/Airbus are really going to wait until after 2020, this may
give a chance for the Bombardier/Embraer/Mitsubishi and others to take
root and permanently take market share.
misc.travel.air-industry is a moderated newsgroup. Please mail messages to
***@airinfo.aero, and see http://mtai.airinfo.aero for the FAQ and policies.