JF Mezei
2011-02-14 10:51:57 UTC
http://www.newairplane.com/747/ shows pictures of the unveiling of the
747-8 intercontinental with the new orange colour. Personally, I much
prefer the blue colour scheme, but I guess Boeing must have gotten a
discount on Orange paint.
I am a bit puzzled by the original design of the 747's cockpit/nose
versus that of the A380.
I understand the rationale for the position of the cockpit on the 747
since it was originally to be a freighter and you want the nose to open
up to allow access to the whole height of the main deck.
However, it *appears* that the space is far more efficiently used on the
747, allowing lucrative first class section to be located below/ahead of
the cockpit.
On the 747, the space below the cockpit is used for highly profitable
first class. And it is a significant amount of space.
On the A380, the cockpit is mid-deck essentially occupying all of the
space ahead of the first door. (but does offer crew rest within that
space). The main stairs appear to follow the fuselage towards the top deck.
In fairness though, the first door on the A380 is quite near to the
nose. But looking at images, there seems to be a lot of wasted space
between the nose and the first windows on the upper deck.
I realise that all of this is an appearance.
Is there some objective evaluation of space use effectiveness between
the A380 and 747 for the front section of the plane ? Does the 747 offer
far more revenue space than the A380 or is the external appearance
misleading because on the 747, it does not show the amount of space
wasted by the stairs ?
I realise that the 380 cockpit offers an advantage in terms of pilot's
view of the ground, but is that really relevant anymore when you
consider cameras and high definition LCD displays that can be used by
pilots ? (which are on the A380 anyways).
Did Airbus end up putting the nose there for piloting reasons even
though it caused far less effective use of revenue space ? Or is that
design turning out to be as efficient as a coppit on the upper deck as
in the 747 ?
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747-8 intercontinental with the new orange colour. Personally, I much
prefer the blue colour scheme, but I guess Boeing must have gotten a
discount on Orange paint.
I am a bit puzzled by the original design of the 747's cockpit/nose
versus that of the A380.
I understand the rationale for the position of the cockpit on the 747
since it was originally to be a freighter and you want the nose to open
up to allow access to the whole height of the main deck.
However, it *appears* that the space is far more efficiently used on the
747, allowing lucrative first class section to be located below/ahead of
the cockpit.
On the 747, the space below the cockpit is used for highly profitable
first class. And it is a significant amount of space.
On the A380, the cockpit is mid-deck essentially occupying all of the
space ahead of the first door. (but does offer crew rest within that
space). The main stairs appear to follow the fuselage towards the top deck.
In fairness though, the first door on the A380 is quite near to the
nose. But looking at images, there seems to be a lot of wasted space
between the nose and the first windows on the upper deck.
I realise that all of this is an appearance.
Is there some objective evaluation of space use effectiveness between
the A380 and 747 for the front section of the plane ? Does the 747 offer
far more revenue space than the A380 or is the external appearance
misleading because on the 747, it does not show the amount of space
wasted by the stairs ?
I realise that the 380 cockpit offers an advantage in terms of pilot's
view of the ground, but is that really relevant anymore when you
consider cameras and high definition LCD displays that can be used by
pilots ? (which are on the A380 anyways).
Did Airbus end up putting the nose there for piloting reasons even
though it caused far less effective use of revenue space ? Or is that
design turning out to be as efficient as a coppit on the upper deck as
in the 747 ?
misc.travel.air-industry is a moderated newsgroup. Please mail messages to
***@airinfo.aero, and see http://mtai.airinfo.aero for the FAQ and policies.